M.J.Dairies Ltd produces exclusively quality products. Thanks to the diligent work of our staff, the delicious recipes of our experienced technologists and the latest techniques, the exquisite milk is processed into valuable end products.

Our company has started its activities at the beginning 2004 in the dairy industry in Bulgaria, by taking over the company “Topalitza” which has been founded in 1982 and highly experienced in the traditional dairy products. The factory is located on an area 21 000 m2. Production, storage, administrative and service facilities occupy 9 000 m2 with the capacity 165 tons of milk per day.

White cheese

Kashkaval cheese

Turkish cheese

Grill cheese

Selection Middle East Cheeses




our customer says

Supplier, rated with note “very good” in 11 criteria for the products, they are deliver to us.

Hochland Romania Srl.

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